The Journey Begins

A front view of the Galvanize Denver – Platte location

I write this post one week after I have officially started my path in data science.  The building pictured to the left will serve as my launchpad into this field.

There are many reasons I find myself in Galvanize today – many of which I plan to elaborate on during the duration of my time in the program through this blog.

The program takes place at one of Galvanize’s seven campuses around the country.  Founded in 2012, Galvanize offers programs in web development, data science, and data engineering; moreover, their locations serve as hubs for entrepreneurship and business, being populated by innovative companies and startups.  For the next three months, I will be attending their Data Science Immersive program.  One week has already made it clear that I will have a multitude of opportunities to expand the scope of my knowledge.

In a cohort that consists of former entrepreneurs, middle school math teachers, chemical and petroleum engineers, and even ex-retirees, the range of experiences are vast.  My fellow students all have interesting backgrounds and stories, each with their own motivations for attending this program.  Furthermore, the program grants me opportunity to interact closely with instructors who have years of experience in the field.  I believe the lessons I learn from my fellow students and mentors will be invaluable in the future.

Galvanize (v.) – to excite about something so that action is taken

I stated earlier that I had many reasons for choosing this path, and I would decisively cite the diversity of data science and it’s ability to change the world as my major motivations.  I have been convinced that through the study and utilization of data, I can truly impact the world in a positive way.

It is as of this moment that I officially find myself Galvanized Into Data Science.

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